Secret Wars Issue #10
- Absorbing Man: Ball and Chain
- Dr. Doom: Gun, Removable Cape
The Absorbing Man waits in an unbreakable prison. Meanwhile, Doctor Doom puts the final touches on the most fantastic machine he has ever created. Using sonic lenses, he steals the power of Galactus and flies into space seeking battle with the all-powerful Beyonder!
Secret Wars Issue #12
- None
While Bulldozer relaxes safely on the chunk of land headed towards Earth, the heroes are in the fight of their lives. The strength of The Thing is instrumental in beating an army of monsters created by Dr. Doom. Despite this victory, The Thing decides to remain behind on Battleworld to learn how to use his new powers.
Secret Wars Issue #5
- None
As one group of heroes battle the robotic servant of Galactus, the army of villains attacks in force. Luckily just as the heroes are about to be overwhelmed, Storm, Nightcrawler and the other X-Men arrive to save the day.