The Sinister Six was an alliance of villains sharing one common goal: revenge on Spider-Man. Initially lead by Doctor Octopus, the group’s lineup consisted of Venom, Kraven the Hunter, Black Cat, Green Goblin and Electro – who had all been soundly defeated by Spider-Man. Doctor Octopus assured his comrades that by working together, they could finally destroy the web-slinger for their mutual benefit.
- Height: 5′ 10"
- Weight: 165 lbs.
- Eyes: Brown
- Hair: Brown
Power Rating:
- Intelligence: 4
- Strength: 4
- Speed: 3
- Durability: 3
- Energy Projection: 1
- Fighting Skills: 4
- Base
Points of Articulation: 45
Sculptor: Gentle Giant studios
Sculptor: Gentle Giant studios
Black Cat
- Height: 5′ 10"
- Weight: 120 lbs.
- Eyes: Green
- Hair: Platinum Blond
Power Rating:
- Intelligence: 2
- Strength: 2
- Speed: 3
- Durability: 2
- Energy Projection: 1
- Fighting Skills: 4
- Base
Points of Articulation: 40
Sculptor: Steve Kiwus
Sculptor: Steve Kiwus
(Boxed Set Exclusive: Series Four Elektra body with a new head-sculpt.)
Doctor Octopus
- Height: 5′ 9"
- Weight: 245 lbs.
- Eyes: Brown
- Hair: Brown
Power Rating:
- Intelligence: 5
- Strength: 2
- Speed: 3
- Durability: 2
- Energy Projection: 1
- Fighting Skills: 4
- Tentacles (4)
- Cloth Lab coat
- Base
Points of Articulation: 14
Sculptor: Phil Ramirez
Sculptor: Phil Ramirez
(Re-use of Spider-Man Series One body with a new head-sculpt.)
- Height: 5’11"
- Weight: 165 lbs.
- Eyes: Blue
- Hair: Reddish-Brown
Power Rating:
- Intelligence: 2
- Strength: 2
- Speed: 2
- Durability: 3
- Energy Projection: 5
- Fighting Skills: 2
- Base
Points of Articulation: 39
Sculptor: Sam Greenwell
Sculptor: Sam Greenwell
Green Goblin
- Height: 5′ 11"
- Weight: 185 lbs.
- Eyes: Blue
- Hair: Reddish-Brown
Power Rating:
- Intelligence: 4
- Strength: 4
- Speed: 3
- Durability: 4
- Energy Projection: 3
- Fighting Skills: 3
- Goblin Glider
- Satchel
- 2 Pumpkin Bombs
- Base
Points of Articulation: 24
Sculptor: Phil Ramirez
Sculptor: Phil Ramirez
Kraven the Hunter
- Height: 6′ 3"
- Weight: 220 lbs.
- Eyes: Brown
- Hair: Black
Power Rating:
- Intelligence: 3
- Strength: 3
- Speed: 2
- Durability: 4
- Energy Projection: 1
- Fighting Skills: 3
- Machete
- Knife
- Launching Boa Gun
- Base
Points of Articulation: 33
Sculptor: Phil Ramirez
Sculptor: Phil Ramirez
(Re-use of the Spider-Man Classics Series Six body with a new head-sculpt.)
- Height: 6′ 3"
- Weight: 260 lbs.
- Eyes: Blue
- Hair: Reddish-Blond
Power Rating:
- Intelligence: 2
- Strength: 4
- Speed: 3
- Durability: 5
- Energy Projection: 1
- Fighting Skills: 2
- Base
Points of Articulation: 44
Sculptor: Phil Ramirez
Sculptor: Phil Ramirez
(Re-use of Series Five Sabretooth body with a new head-sculpt.)
This set also included a comic book sized Poster Book.
Release Date: September 2004