Finally, the Nemesis Wave…

Finally, the Nemesis Wave has arrived! After more than a year of wondering when these would show up, they are here. Were they worth the wait? Make no mistake, it was an awesome feeling to be out hunting for Marvel Legends again. As I rounded the corner into the figure aisle, they were just at that moment being hung onto the pegs. What luck! Beast, …

Planet Hulk Trailer

Here is a brief look at the upcoming animated feature from Marvel, “Planet Hulk” which debuted at the Marvel Panel at SDCC last week. The feature is based on Greg Pak’s “Incredible Hulk” issues #92 and #105 and is set to be released on Blu-ray and DVD in February of 2010. httpv://

Marvel News from SDCC 2009

I unfortunately was not able to attend this years San Diego Comic Con, so I’m getting this news from various other sources. Two things that struck me as bad news/good news were that both the Spider-Man and the Iron Man 2 Movie lines are shifting to the 3 and 3/4 inch scales. This is good news for Marvel Universe fans and bad news for 6 …

Marvel Legends Fan’s Choice Poll

Hasbro has activated the new web page for the Marvel Legends Fan’s Choice Poll. Three winners from the Fan’s picks will be matched with three picks by Hasbro’s Marvel team and these six figures will be the next series of two-packs in 2010. I have to say it was a tough vote for me. I’m guessing that most people will vote for Deadpool, (and this …

DC Universe Classics Wonder Twins Packaging

Here it is folks, you can have this really super awesome box for your SDCC 2009 Exclusive Wonder Twins 2 pack from Mattel for just $40.00! (Wonder Twins included.) Get ’em while they last, and oh the picture of Gleek on the box, sorry about that… you can only get him if you go to the convention. (Or pay really outrageous prices for one on …

The Return of Marvel Legends!

Finally some Marvel Legends news! A member of the Fwoosh attended the Wizard World Philadelphia Convention last weekend and was able to sit in on a panel in which Jesse Falcon spoke about some of the plans for Hasbro’s Marvel Legends action figures (6 inch scale.) in 2010. These are some of the bullet points: Hasbro will be showing 16-18 prototypes at San Diego Comic …

Minimates Mini-flyers!

I do not usually write articles about DST’s products, (Although, I do collect a lot of their products.) mostly because I like to concentrate on mainly Marvel here, but this one really caught my eye. Introducing… Mini-flyers! A Diamond Select Release! Art Asylum Designs and Sculpts! Battlestar Galactica Minimates are back and this time they’ve got their own transportation covered! This all-new assortment of Mini-Flyers …